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Teacher Says: Miami-Dade school board refuses to pay "Performance Pay" as mandated by Flor

Sarah Hays is an excellent teacher.

Like so many others, she works tirelessly hoping to be rewarded as promised by law for her "Highly Effective" teacher evaluation results.

Instead of remuneration, teachers are given salary "increases" which are barely even break even as a "cost of living adjustment (COLA)."

The question remains: Where are the RAISES - not just the increases - to ensure that teachers are being recognized for their hard work and investment in the classroom?


"Annual Contract" Teachers Pay Attention

This IS for YOU!

Featured Speaker Teacher: Ms. Sarah Hays, an informed teacher on "Annual Contract."

This video is specifically intended for all the "Annual Contract" teachers who are misguided and/or misinformed.

Many "Annual Contract" teachers think that the upcoming litigation does not involve them because the only teachers who have been negatively affected are the "grandfathered" teachers.

Guess what? "Annual Contract" teachers are

also being denied income -- and lots of it. Perhaps this is why they keep you unaware of what compensation is owed to you.

Florida Statute 1012.22 provides that "Annual Contract" teachers are SHALL be paid a bonus if they were deemed Highly Effective or Effective. The annual salary adjustment under the performance salary schedule for an annual contract teacher rated as "Highly Effective" must be greater than the highest annual salary adjustment available to an employee of the same classification through the grandfathered salary schedule adopted by the district. An "Effective" teacher would receive a bonus which is no less than 50% but not greater than 75% of the bonus awarded to the "Highly Effective" teacher.

Mathematical translation of the statutory language:

For the 2014-2015 school year a "Highly Effective" teacher should have earned a bonus in the amount of $6,011. An "Effective" teacher's bonus should have been 50 - 75% of $6,011.

For the 2013 - 2014 school year a "Highly Effective" teacher should have earned a bonus in the amount of $7,511. An "Effective" teacher's bonus should have been 50 - 75% of $7,511.

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