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James Haj, Miami-Dade Chief Negotiator, Admits Negotiating Illegal Contract

Start watching at counter 8:50

Chief Negotiator, James Haj, admits that the collective bargaining agreement ratified by Miami-Dade County Public Schools on September 9, 2015 violates Florida Statute 1012.22.

Shortly after this Mr. Haj abruptly stopped working for MDCPS, and he is now one of the top dogs at the Miami Children's Trust. The Children's Trust has lobbyist who lobby Miami-Dade County School Board members. You know what that means, right? Tax dollars are being funneled into the "private" trust, rather than used to pay MDCPS employees to provide the same services. We can presume that a portion of those tax dollars also pay the "salaries" of those running the trust.

More taxation without representation.

Later in the video...

Superintendent Carvalho continues to speak of the "recession" - which Superintendent Carvalho keeps alive and uses as a pretext to explain why teachers will not be paid more. In the meantime, MDCPS spends tax dollars on items that are not necessary for student learning, such as wi-fi on buses! We can go on...

Judith Marte, Cheif Financial Officer, backs up what Superintendent says about how "great" MDCPS salaries are.

Juan de Oca, the independent auditor is asked to verify if what the Superintendent and Judith Marte state.

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