Letter to Gov. Ignored: 2020 was "The Year of The Teacher" yet Veterans' Salaries Frozen in 1995!
As the article 1n The Tampa Bay Times states, a teacher who just graduated without teaching experience will earn $47,500. I have been...

Miami-Dade Public School Mid-Career Teachers Still Owed Thousands in Back Pay (This will drastically
Although we are almost half-way through the 2019 - 2020 school year and less than one week away from the Winter Recess, neither the...

Miami-Dade Teachers tell school board: "Don't Mix Politically Charged Anti-Gun Walkouts wit
On May 16, 2016, three Miami-Dade County School Board teachers took the podium to tell the school board that they were appalled that...

The Penny Speech: Surely - Teachers are worth more!
Ward is Bold! Ms. Patti Ward prefaced her speech asking the Miami-Dade School Board members to silence their phones and pointed out that...

How to Sign Up & What to Expect at the Miami-Dade School Board Meeting
Although this tutorial is mostly general in nature, it also speaks to specifics relating to the Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Miami-Dade School...

Drama at School Board: Superintendent says teacher, "LIES!" for asserting decimation of te
This was at the Miami-Dade County Public School Board meeting which took place on August 2013 - almost 5 years ago! Watch the juicy...

Teachers' Salaries Reduced; Billions Spent On Common Core In Florida
I first published this article on September 13, 2013 - almost 5 years ago - in Bear Witness Central . Please understand the history that...

Open Letter to United Teachers of Dade: Miami teacher, "Where have you been?"
Maria Babani, a Miami-Dade County Public School teacher, who is undeniably pro-union, is nonetheless distressed with the current state of...

Stale, Stagnant Salary Talks: Alvarez asks, "Lip Service?"
Yet - again - the Miami-Dade County School Board considers scheduling "workshops" to address the dismissal salaries they agreed to pay -...

The Love of Money is the Root of...Charter Schools ~ and Evil, too!
These days there is m-u-c-h talk and even m-o-r-e walk about the state of affairs related to the lack of public (not charter) school...