E-mail use in MDCPS: Why the double standards?
I just sent this e-mail to Ms. Dawn Baglos. She is the M-DCPS official of the Labor Relations Department who signed off on the 2016 -...

Teachers did not - really - receive a raise
Ms. Elizabeth Perdomo sets the record straight. Despite what you were told when the union said, "You got a raise." No, you did not. The...

WASTEFUL Testing: Miami Dade Student Speaks Out Against It
Student, Bela Perdomo, tells the Miami-Dade County School Board of the waste of instructional time that results from computer based...

Teachers prohibited from inviting teachers to school board meetings
In this school board meeting speech, I address an issue which I have been addressing since September 2015 by way of letters, school board...

Sign at your own RISK: Is it necessary to sign documents to benefit from litigation outcomes?
True Story PROTECT YOURSELF: Read until the last line of this blog. An educated person is an empowered person. Proactive reading and...

United Teachers of Dade: the teachers' union that intimidates and instills fear in teachers
TRUE STORY So, I get a phone call from a teacher I have never met. She tells me that she was recently added to Educators Educating...

Teacher Says: Miami-Dade school board refuses to pay "Performance Pay" as mandated by Flor
Sarah Hays is an excellent teacher. Like so many others, she works tirelessly hoping to be rewarded as promised by law for her "Highly...

Open Letter
Board begins public hearing segment unusually early - for a reason Letter dated November 23, 2015 This letter addresses the fact that the...

NBC Channel 6: Rally for Salaries Broadcast
NBC Channel 6 broadcast "Teachers of Miami-Dade say they are being ripped off!" NBC Channel 6 thank you for coming out to the Rally for...

Paying our Respects to Salaries at the Graveyard
This short, witty skit attempts to raise awareness of how Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade have "killed"...