Open Letter to United Teachers of Dade: Miami teacher, "Where have you been?"
Maria Babani, a Miami-Dade County Public School teacher, who is undeniably pro-union, is nonetheless distressed with the current state of...
Stale, Stagnant Salary Talks: Alvarez asks, "Lip Service?"
Yet - again - the Miami-Dade County School Board considers scheduling "workshops" to address the dismissal salaries they agreed to pay -...
The Love of Money is the Root of...Charter Schools ~ and Evil, too!
These days there is m-u-c-h talk and even m-o-r-e walk about the state of affairs related to the lack of public (not charter) school...
Teachers' Unions: Learn to Play the Hand
Take a look at the two images below. What comes to mind? These two images are nothing more than two sides of the same coin. The Power to...
A Call to Teachers' Unions: Restore Teachers' Right to Strike ~ don't just tell teachers
You can only be empowered if you are granted power – or take it by force, as so did our Founding Fathers. Not one - but many - public...