Teachers' Unions: Learn to Play the Hand
Take a look at the two images below. What comes to mind? These two images are nothing more than two sides of the same coin. The Power to...

A Call to Teachers' Unions: Restore Teachers' Right to Strike ~ don't just tell teachers
You can only be empowered if you are granted power – or take it by force, as so did our Founding Fathers. Not one - but many - public...

NBC 6 Investigates: MDCPS violates the First Amendment
"A long standing policy of the {Miami-Dade County Public] School Board does not trump the First Amendment." Thais Alvarez Is it time to...

My Interview with Telemundo on First Amendment Issues at Miami-Dade School Board Meetings
Although this interview is in Spanish, and I know not all of you will be able to understand it, you may pick up on what I am saying...

Evidence stacked against UTD? I'd say so! ~ Exceptions filed today
There's lots to say, but being that the document below is 42 pages longs, I think you will find it all stated there! I worked on this...

Broward Teachers Turnout in Droves to Broward County School Board Meeting
Last month, in September, I was asked to attend the Board County Public School Board meeting to help Broward teachers obtain speaking...

UTD's Response to Shawn Beightol's Amicus Curiae Brief in my Case
In the interest of keeping you informed, please read the Motion to Strike filed by the UTD. Could it be that the Public Employee...

DEFEAT: Teachers Make It Permanent
We started in defeat when we started fighting to Respect and Restore Teachers' Salaries. But defeat, really, is a challenge in disguise...

Eyes on Broward County Public Schools: Unreasonable restrictions on First Amendment rights
There is nothing without the First - the First Amendment that is. Calling on all Broward County Public School teachers to sign-up for the...

TEACHERS SCAMMED? Maybe you are not so grandfathered as I thought I was..
This document can be requested by calling or emailing: Mr. Julio Arana, Operation Analyst at the Office of Personnel Operations &...