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Speech: My mother, Beatriz del Valle, address the MDCPS Board

Mrs. del Valle retired from MDCPS a few years ago after working for the system for 37 years.

Although she acknowledges that the school system has never been free from tall tales relating to why teachers will have to go without salary raises nor free from corruption, she tells me that she has never seen it this bad.

She says that she has never seen teacher morale so low.

She is astounded at how many teachers are opting to retire early "before it gets worse."

She is saddened to see this happening because even though, as many tell her, "You left at the right time! You are so lucky!" she knows that her two daughters, who are teachers at MDCPS, will be profoundly negatively as a result of Superintendent Carvalho's poor leadership, as well as the current MDCPS Board members' educational policies.

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