Board Member Regalado tells teachers, "Sue us!"

This is the first time that the MDCPS Board would prohibit teachers from donating their time to other teachers.
If you listen closely, Attorney Walter Harvey, while instructing Chairwoman Hantman, tells hers that the Board may allow or disallow speakers to donate 3 minutes. Chairwoman Hantman ignores the "may" and rules with a heavy hand to prevent a teacher from donating his time to another teacher.
After not allowing teacher, Andrew Beninati, to donate his 3 minutes to teacher, Liz Hernandez, school board member Raquel Regalado, who has aspirations to be the mayor of Miami-Dade, tells the teachers of Miami-Dade Public Schools that if they do not like the [illegal] contract that was ratified on September 9, 2016, to "sue the board!"
Start watching at 6:20 through 8:05 to hear school board member Regaldo for yourself.
Of course, what is it to her? The taxpayers of Miami-Dade County are the ones who will pay for the legal bills.
Rather than mitigate, board member Regalado escalates.
Do we need someone like this running Miami-Dade?
If you watch the video, you will note that candidate Regalado reasons that teachers should not donate their 3 minutes because it appears "orchestrated." Ironically, Regalado has an orchestrated radio show which she claims serves the purpose of her being able to hear the community's concerns. Yes - until she - provided that she - wins. After that, she will revert to her "chill speech" and "sue us" antics and do to the taxpayers of Miami-Dade County what you see her doing here to the teachers of Miami-Dade Public Schools.
Who was voting for her? I do not see a show of hands, do you?