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Mother Teaches Parents: How to Opt Out Your Child Out of State Tests!

Hear it from Miami-Dade County Public School mother, Barbara Garcia.

Ms. Garcia states that sent a letter to her child's school, Sunny Isles Beach K-8, asking how to opt out her third grader from state tests, and the school's reply was that students could not opt out of state tests.

But, Ms. Garcia later did her homework and learned differently.

She will guide and instruct you as to how parents can opt their children out of state tests, which is through "partial participation."

She urges parents to "get involved" and not give into the "bullies" or "lies."

She informs parents that, provided children have performed well, opting out can't be used to retain your child from grade promotion.

She lets parents know that the Opt Out Movement is STRONG.

You, she says, are not a drop in the bucket because that bucket will- eventually - overflow!

Her message: Dare to change the system, one-test-at-a-time; one-student-at-a-time!

Education and children's future has been hijacked - all in the name of money!

She's frustrated that since kindergarten her daughter has been subjected to an unreasonable amount of testing which "translates to money."

She asserts that children are even deprived of recess.

She alludes to the fact that there is money for testing, yet the class-size requirements for her child's class is being violated!

She concludes, "Our kids deserve more!"

Parents, please come out and speak up!

Ms. Garcia, thank you for taking the time to speak out and up and take a stand for children!

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