Does UTD Breach its Duty to its Membership? Shameful Salary Negotiations Decimate Veteran Teachers&

Is this magic or fraud?
It is only by juxtaposing all of the salary schedules from 2005 - 2015 that one is fully able to appreciate why you not only "feel" that you are poorer, but why, in fact, you ARE.
While entry-level teachers may not be phased by this, their day will come where that which was giveth to them shall be taketh from them. It is for this reason that ALL educators in MDCPS should be alarmed by this - and refuse to accept it. They divide us to conquer us.
Veteran teachers, just as your magical steps disappeared, - Abracadabra - POOF! - while you did have steps look at how the base of each step shrunk. Most teachers did not even realize this was happening because if and when they did get a step, there was an increase of some sort, and therefore, there was no incentive to even question how the increase was, in fact, decimated from the previous salary schedule.
But, after personally feeling that a step increase did not "feel" like an increase because my purchasing power was, in fact, diminishing, I felt that a little research was warranted. This is what I found.
It is not a figment of my imagination; it is true. I, like the rest of you, are earning less today then our counterpart colleagues with the same years of experience a decade ago.
Conclusion: Teachers are being driven into poverty.
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