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Union: Rejects Teacher Activist's Membership Application

Despite teachers asking Ms. Thais Alvarez to join the Miami-Dade County Public School's teacher union, the United Teachers of Dade, the union rejected her membership application.

Even a union steward addressed the union's Executive Board, but they still refused to allow Ms. Alvarez in as a member.

A union that currently has less than 50% of teachers as members, rejects a teacher who is known for standing for teachers' interests - in a way a union, should in fact, be doing.

Something does not add up.

It is clear that the United Teachers of Dade does not advocate for the same ideals as Ms. Alvarez. But, when so many teachers are aligned with Ms. Alvarez and not with the union, what does that say about the union's rejection of Ms. Alvarez's membership application?

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