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Teachers' Salaries funneled to PRIVATE (and corrupt) testing and charter school corporations.

Teachers are being driven into poverty.

PRIVATE testing and charter school companies' "owners," many who are the same politicians who enact the laws that they benefit from, are growing rich under the guise of doing good.

In fact, they are destroying education.

Superintendent Carvalho and the Miami-Dade County School Board wants taxpayers and teachers to think teachers' salaries are being decimated because we are in a depression or a recession or that there is not enough funding.

Truth is: The tax dollars that once went to pay teachers is NOW being used to fund the PRIVATE TESTING AND CHARTER SCHOOL agendas.

Think: There is a Florida Constitutional Class Size Amendment that provides class size must be capped to only a number of students. This Class Size Amendment is legally above the Florida Statutes that "mandate" testing and charter schools. This means that politicians must first fund the Class Size Amendment and then the statutes. Yet, politicians claim they do not have money to fund the Class Size Amendment while they fund testing and charter school laws.


What are the unions doing? Nothing.

When will the insult to our intelligence be so great that we can no longer stay quiet?

This video traces how we got here and how it is that politicians use euphemisms such as "accountability" and "school choice" to enrich themselves at the expense of children and educators.

Support the movement to restore teacher salaries and you will simultaneously support the movement to end testing and charter schools.

Further, this video touches slightly, as Ms. Alvarez was running out of time, on how teachers are being silenced at the Miami-Dade County Public School and Broward County Public School board meetings.

When will parents and educators stand up for education?

The time is NOW.

Please get involved.

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